How to participate in the $TIMANMI Pre-Sale

How to buy $TIMANMI token with crypto?

  1. Firstly, make sure you have one of the supported wallets ready. For desktop, we recommend using the Metamask browser extension. For mobile, we recommend using TrustWallet and its built-in browser.
  2. On the homepage, choose between BNB (BEP20) or USDT (BEP20), enter the amount of $TIMANMI tokens you want then click on the “Connect Wallet” button to enable TiManmi to connect with your wallet. Once connected, you can buy $TIMANMI tokens using a selection of currencies from the BNB chain such as BNB, USDT, or ETH and USDT from the Ethereum Mainnet.
  3. We recommend having at least $10 of BNB or $15 of ETH to cover gas fees. If you don’t have enough BNB or ETH please transfer it from any crypto exchange to your wallet address or buy more through Metamask or TrustWallet marketplace.

You can also buy with your credit/debit card

  1. Simply click on “Buy with Card” and buy BNB (BEP20) or ETH (ERC20) safely and quickly with your credit or debit card and send them to your wallet.
  2. Then, go back to the TiManmi homepage to purchase $TIMANMI with your fresh crypto!

New to crypto?


  1. First, ensure you have the MetaMask wallet installed as a browser extension in order to connect your wallet to the platform.
  2. Go to to install it. 
  3. Choose or add the Binance Smart Chain Network. If you don’t have the Binance Smart Chain Network, please add it by watching this video: How to add Binance Smart Chain to Metmask.
  4. Once connected, you can buy BNB or a stablecoin such as BUSD via card. Just click on “Buy” and it will open the MetaMask marketplace, at
  5. Once you have the necessary funds in your wallet, head over to the TiManmi platform
  6. Select the crypto you want to pay with, then choose the amount of $TIMANMI tokens you wish to buy or the amount of your assets you wish to spend and click “Buy TiManmi Now”. We recommend having at least $10 worth of BNB (BEP20) or $15 of ETH (ERC20) to cover gas fees. If you don’t have enough BNB or ETH, please transfer it from any crypto exchange to your wallet address or buy more through MetaMask marketplace.


If you are purchasing on mobile, we recommend using Trust Wallet and connecting through the WalletConnect  

  1. Download the TrustWallet app on to your mobile device from the relevant app store (Apple App Store, Google Play Store, etc)
  2. Once your wallet is activated, you need to ensure you have the BNB Chain available in your wallet. If you don’t, you can add it to your wallet by following the steps at
  3. Once your wallet is activated, you need to ensure you have the BNB Chain available in your wallet. If you don’t, you can add it to your wallet by following the steps at
  4. If you don’t have any assets on the wallet, please transfer it from any crypto exchange to your wallet address or buy more through Trust Wallet marketplace simply by clicking on the “Buy” button. Once you have the necessary funds in your wallet, head over to the TiManmi platform at
  5. Select the crypto you want to pay with, then choose the amount of $TIMANMI tokens you wish to buy or the amount of your assets you wish to spend and click “Buy TiManmi Now”. We recommend having at least $10 worth of BNB (BEP20) or $15 of ETH (ERC20) to cover gas fees. If you don’t have enough BNB or ETH, please transfer it from any crypto exchange to your wallet address or buy more through TrustWallet marketplace.


  1. Insufficient Funds For Intrinsic Transaction Cost
    This error usually occurs when you do not have enough BNB to pay for the gas fee. Make sure your BNB is on the BEP20 Network. Reduce the amount of BNB you are trying to purchase with.
  2. No wallet
    To start with, ensure you have the MetaMask wallet extension installed on your browser in order to connect your wallet to the platform 
    If you are purchasing on mobile, we recommend using Trust Wallet and connecting through the WalletConnect 
  3. Problems with your wallet
    If you are experiencing any problems using Metamask, please consult the Metamask support materials here:
    If you are experiencing any problems using TrustWallet, please consult the TrustWallet support materials here:
    These are the experts, after all, they are the wallet providers! However, you can alternatively contact us or ask any members of our community on Telegram and we will provide any assistance we can.

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